Jessica Markwood

Over 45,000 acres saved from commercial development


Flint Global

about flint

So much of who I am has been shaped by the work that I do and the stories I am privileged to encounter in that work. Since October 2020 I have been a part of Flint Global, a social impact organization dedicated to seeing people in vulnerable situations flourish. Like flint is a simple tool that can spark a fire, we are simple people dedicated to seeing great change through simple tools like training, mentoring, and providing critical connections related to business, entrepreneurship, and practical skills for vibrant living.


women’s entrepreneurship

I have been particularly involved in women’s entrepreneurship, or working directly with women in the margins to discover their resources and utilize those resources to generate flourishing in their communities. Women have unique obstacles to engage in their journey out of poverty, but they have unique roles and giftings that allow them to generate lasting change in their communities. I am honored to work with all kinds of people who have a vision for women leading a movement of abundance and spend my time creating resources, training in growth mindset and business skills, and working with community-directed movements to cultivate sustainability.


“Working with you is like becoming human again...”

deborah  |  south sudanese entrepreneur


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